1. How do you drink your coffee?

If I have little time, I drink it as a latte or, for a very quick energy boost, an espresso with sugar. But my favorite is a cappuccino with fluffy milk foam.

2. What's your unpopular tech opinion?

I actually have two to offer. One is that it's not always the best solution to use the latest technologies in projects. They often turn out to be obstacles, for example when you face previously unknown problems. The wealth of experience is simply not yet great with that.

I also think that the biggest barriers and success factors in projects are rarely the technical implementations, but rather the organization, responsibilities, interests, social constructs and characters. There's a lot more colliding than just technical expertise, and that's why soft skills and good teamwork are at least as important.

3. You have been working at jambit for a long time and have experienced many different stations. What were your personal highlights?

My first day at work was definitely particularly memorable. I picked up my laptop at jambit and drove directly to the customer before lunch. From that point, I sat and worked on site.

Later, my highlights were my own project at SZ, the start of the FAZ migration as a big project with full responsibility and the joint build-up of Banking & Insurance including the first consulting projects. And finally, it was the build-up of the Leipzig office as my own little baby, so to speak. I always love to promote new things.

4. Was this also your motivation in 2018 for the change into the role as Head of Subsidiary and the move to Leipzig?

Absolutely! To take a complete new path in the jambit environment and to have universal responsibility was very exciting for me. It was a kind of greenfield project, since there was no office, no staff, no projects and no processes. The freedom to do something different, to create something autonomously and still have jambit as solid support in the back - what else can you ask for.

Have a coffee with Philip

5. Could you also realize this vision and has Leipzig turned out to be the right decision?

Leipzig is a wonderful city where I quickly felt at home and the office build-up went even better than expected right from the start. We were able to quickly build a great team and create a super environment with unique team spirit and trust. And the impact from Leipzig on entire jambit is also bigger than I had dreamed of before. We help to promote entire jambit from here.

Besides projects that are going well, we had a lot of unforgettable moments together. But my highlights are actually not moments I could name, but the people here in the office. Everyone who contributes, creates a feel-good atmosphere, helped to build up the office and continues to shape and form it. I'm very proud of everything here!

6. And still, you move on to the next station. You've been Head of Automotive since April 1 and have handed over the position as Head of Subsidiary. What drives you?

As I just described, there are many great people in Leipzig who will continue the vision. So I'm leaving the office in the best hands I can imagine. Gernot Pointner, my long-time representative and sparring partner, will continue to manage the office. At the same time, he can count on an experienced team leader with Alexander Nachtwey as his new number two. Both have already played a significant role in shaping the office. I'm happy that I can hand over the office to a strong management team and leave it all with one laughing and one crying eye.

But I will continue to work with Leipzig in my new role, as well as with all other jambit offices. In this way, I can also bring back some subsidiary knowledge to our headquarters in Munich and integrate it into the work, which entire jambit can benefit from.

Automotive as the largest jambit business division is especially exciting for me. I grew up with cars and related topics and still see a great value in the automotive industry in Germany. A lot has happened in the last few years, the industry is changing and I have a huge interest in helping to shape the mobility transformation. Together with the team, I want to face the challenges of the future proactively and successfully continue the work of Thomas Rottach, my predecessor in the position and now the new jambit CEO.

7. Which advice would you give to future applicants?

Always be open to different impulses and don't focus too much on one area too early. So much can and will change, but if you have diverse interests and act flexible, you are prepared for a lot.

Sounds interesting for you? We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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Franziska Schulze, HR Specialist Recruitment, jambit

Franziska Guhr

People & Organization Specialist Recruitment


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