1. How do you drink your coffee?
I prefer to drink cappuccino with lots of milk and – since I’ve tried it at jambit once – with a little bit of brown sugar. I’m a big fan, the cappuccino tastes even better.
2. Which book everyone should read at least once?
I can recommend “Blackout”. In this technology thriller whole Europe is capsulated from the electricity network through aimed hacker attacks. They describe which catastrophic effects a two-week European wide blackout has on the society and shows how dependent we are from a working electricity network. Very exciting!
3. How did you end up at jambit?
I became aware of jambit through the “Hochschul-Praxistage”. You get a catalogue from university with different companies, which participate, and you can choose some for a trial day. I liked it the most at jambit. I was in my fourth semester at that time, and I was looking for a practice partner for my practical semester. jambit gave me the opportunity to do that. Afterwards I stayed as a working student. Later I was master student and jambit took me over into permanent employment in the meantime. To be continued – I would say.

4. You developed a newbie app for jambit in your master thesis. What is it about?
At jambit, there’s kind of a wish list with projects, which can be realized internally at some point. This list can be used as a topic pool especially for trainees and working students. I was looking for topics for my master thesis and I really wanted to program something practice-oriented with added value. I found the topic newbie app there. In my literature research I noticed fast that you shouldn’t start with the onboarding of employees only on the first workday. There should rather be a preboarding to inform the newbies before, to network and to increase the anticipation.
Then I programmed the app with Flutter as a cross platform app. I was convinced by the cool framework and the easy implementation to program for iOS and Android at the same time.
5. Which tip would you give your former self?
I would actually do everything like I did. Directly after school go to study, same university, same study course. I’m very happy with my choice and my way! Otherwise, I would tell former Fabi that it’s normal and no problem if you can’t master everything for 100% - and especially not immediately. You can learn something new if you need it and both in the training and at the right workplace you get the time to incorporate into topics.
6. Which advice would you give to future applicants?
This ties up directly with the last question. It’s totally ok at jambit to ask questions and nobody expects you to be an expert at the start. You don’t have to pretend to know everything. As a newbie you can learn a lot from your colleagues. Just become a little bit active, be open to people, ask questions or also ask for detailed feedback in code reviews.
But what’s also very important: to be aware of your strengths and be proud of it. I recognized for example that I can acquire new things well, also if I don’t know every detail. If you are aware of that, you start new challenges more relaxed. It’s also very interesting what Francesco told in his interview about impostor syndrome. That lots of software developers think they don’t have enough skills. There are so many programming languages for so many niches and at the university you only study a fraction of them. That’s why you feel a bit overwhelmed in the working world at first. But for all juniors and people in doubt: Let me tell you, you don’t have to know everything! And if you want to learn something special, you can do that at jambit for sure.
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