1. How do you drink your coffee?
Actually, I don't drink any coffee at all – I'm more of a tea person. Rooibos and black tea are my favorites and sometimes a matcha latte.
2. Which programming language are you and why?
Hm, Python, I guess. I can identify with quite a few Python features: The programming language is very flexible. As a full-stack developer, I am as well, plus I like to take over design tasks in our team. Python also has few unnecessary bells and whistles – and neither do I as a minimalist. Lastly, Python is easy to read, just like me. I definitely don't have a poker face. You can read just about anything off my face. (laughs)
3. Tabs or spaces?
I already got this question in my technical interview and I thought it was a trick question. For me, there is only one answer: tabs. I don't see the point of pressing a key multiple times when it works the same way with just a single key click.
4. Why software development?
From a very young age, I loved spending time on the computer. Later, I went to a girls' school and was very lucky to have a very good computer science teacher. The teacher designed the lessons incredibly well, looked after us intensively and promoted some topics outside of class. This awakened my enthusiasm for computer science. At that time, he also helped me get a student scholarship at a company in Munich. I was even able to take an introductory course at the Technical University of Munich. This "Schülerstudium" allowed me to take a few computer science courses alongside school. When we entered senior high school and had to chose our majors, a friend and I wanted to take an upper-level computer science course, which didn't exist at my school before. With our initiative, we managed to make that happen. All these things during high school were my first steps into software development.

5. Which book can you recommend?
I would recommend everyone to read "Invisible Women" by Caroline Criado Perez. The book is incredibly well researched – the last 150 pages alone are just source notes. It shows on how many levels our modern world is biased towards men and how big the data gap is regarding women. It's truly frightening. Especially when you consider that half of the world's population is female. As a consequence, this can have health and even fatal consequences. Crash tests, for example, are only done with male dummies. The fact that women are built differently and, according to statistics, have a higher risk of dying in car accidents is not taken into account.
Especially as a woman in the male domain of computer science, I am very interested in this topic. As a female developer, I make sure to bring a different perspective to the project.
6. Where can people find you when you're not working?
After work or on weekends, I often read on the couch next to my cat. When I'm on vacation, I love to go diving – especially in the tropics. I've been to the Seychelles, Bali, Thailand and other gorgeous destinations in the last few years. Due to the flexible overtime regulations and the general vacation entitlement of 30 days at jambit, it is possible for me to go on vacation for longer periods of time. So next year I can travel for four weeks to Raja Ampat, the absolute dream destination for diving. I'm taking part in a Marine Conservation Project there, where they also do coral reforestation and manta identification. I have just booked the flights and I can't wait to go there in March!
7. Which advice would you give to future applicants?
I can only say to everyone: with jambit, you can't go wrong! During my studies, I worked for several companies. Nowhere was I even remotely as satisfied as here. jambit and the jambitees live a culture that is characterized by appreciation and togetherness. This is noticeable on many levels. In addition, I have a secure and well-equipped workplace with a lot of freedom and flexibility. There are so many different projects offering loads of potential for personal and career development. Meanwhile, fellow students of mine and my brother also work here. Obviously, I can't help but recommend jambit!
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