Your way to jambit – application process

Check out our Candidate journey to find out about our application process.

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Candidate Journey

Receiving Applications

We carefully and individually review every application and get back to you as soon as possible.

First Interview

Our recruiting team will personally invite you to a delicious jambit coffee for a first interview in our office in the respective city. The goal of this interview is to meet and to get to know each other better. We will introduce ourselves and jambit in particular and will gladly answer all your open questions. Of course, we would also like to learn more about you and would be pleased to receive a brief introduction of your career path as well as information about your professional goals and wishes. If you are interested and still have time, we would be happy to give you some insights behind the scenes of jambit and take you on a short office tour. You can plan on about 90 minutes for the interview, depending on how many questions you have.


It is particularly important to us that all facts, goals, and wishes are brought to the table in the first interview – because it is not only us to pick you, but you get to choose us as well! Therefore, we will only invite you to the next round if you can really imagine jambit as your next stop.

Technical Interview

In the technical interview, we capture the status quo of your specialist knowledge and your general approach to your work so that we can assign the projects matching your individual skills. Two of our "candidate interviewers" will interview you. These are selected from a pool of trained and experienced jambit employees specifically for the interview according to your professional focus. The interview usually lasts two hours and normally takes place personally at our headquarters in Munich (Friedenheimer Brücke 20, 80639 Munich) – even if you have applied for a jambit office in another city. An additional opportunity for you to get to know jambit better: As "testimonials", our candidate interviewers will also be happy to give you an authentic insight into their own project work and personal development


No matter how the technical interview went, you will receive detailed feedback from us in any case. We review the results with our candidate interviewers and give you detailed feedback based on the impressions gained from the interview. If we pick you, you will receive an invitation to a contract negotiation meeting as well as a draft contract as a clear commitment that we would like to welcome you as a new "jambitee" in our team.

Contract Negotiations

Now, there is only one last step missing: the contract negotiation with one of our CEOs or a Head of the Subsidiary. In this meeting, open points are discussed once again, questions are answered, and the final details such as starting date, salary, or individual benefits are finalized. You can take the contract signed by us home directly after the meeting and allow yourself some time to think about it – the final decision is now up to you.

Welcome to jambit

As soon as we have your GO or your contract signature, we will welcome you as jambitee!

Onboarding at jambit

During the first 30 days, your godfather/godmother will take care of you and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. At the end of these 30 days, there will be a meeting with your manager and your godfather/godmother to gather first impressions and exchange feedback. In addition, during your first weeks, you will be invited to our five-day onboarding week, the so-called jambit essentials, in Munich. There you will get to know many new colleagues from all four offices and you will also receive a lot of relevant information about jambit, the project business, and our values. After 90 days, you will have another meeting with your manager, where you will receive detailed feedback from your manager and can ask any questions you may still have.

Recruiting-Team Sitzsack

Any questions about our application process? Just check our FAQs or contact our recruiting team directly.

+49 89 45 23 47 - 415

Our recruiting team is taking care of the hand-picked selection of jambitees.

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