CoffeeTalks I / 2018
Also in 2018 jambit is organizing its CoffeeTalks lecture series. Our technological topics of the season opening range from SOLID design principles, kubernetes und consumer driven contract testing. All jambitees and interested jambitees-to-be are invited to immerse themselves in these exciting topics for about 40 to 50 minutes, and ask questions personally. With a cup of good jambit coffee the discuss and network may continue.
1:00 – 1:50 p.m. – SOLID Design Principles
Marian Wieczorek, M.Sc. / Software Architect / Business Division Automotive Bavaria
SOLID are five basic design principles of object-oriented programming. These serve to resolve rigid dependencies. The acronym SOLID stands for the Single responsibility, Open close, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion principle. Unlike design patterns, which provide concrete solutions to specific problems, design principles are analytical tools. Their intention and function is to make software designs more understandable, flexible and maintainable.
2:20 – 3:10 p.m. – Kubernetes
Dr. Torsten Ackemann / Senior Systems Architect / Competence Center Platforms & Operations
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Meiler, Senior Software Architect / Business Division Automotive Bavaria
Docker has established itself impressively fast. However for a long time, it was not clear how the operation of containers exactly works. With Kubernetes, Google publishes its experience of operating containers as open source. Many companies have followed the trend. That is why Kubernetes has quickly prevailed against other competitors. But there are still some open questions: Which problems does Kubernetes solves and creates? What does the architecture look like? What do Kubernetes concepts mean like Pod or ReplicaSet? What should you know about security issues? What needs to be considered when developing? What are the organizational implications? We introduce Kubernetes from a development and operational point of view and answer these and other questions.
3:40 – 4:30 p.m. – Consumer Driven Contract Testing
Sebastian Hauf, M.Sc. / Software Architect / Business Division Automotive Bavaria
One service calls another's interface – an everyday scenario in the world of microservices. But what happened if the interface of the called service needs to be changed? Does the adjustments necessarily have to be discussed with the caller, or is it not a "breaking change"? How can non-compliant services prevent from being deployed? The Solution: Consumer Driven Contracts to the rescue. Sebastian Hauf explains the concept which solve and prevent described problems. He uses "Pact" framework to explain how theory can be put into practice. Never again bad surprises in continuous deployments!
You are an external, not a jambitee? Please feel very welcome to attend our CoffeeTalks by simply registering via a short e-mail coffeetalks@jambit.com until 31.01.2018.
Do you have any further questions? Don't hesitate to ask. We are always happy to help and we are looking forward to see you!