Meetup: Munich Lambda - Prolog and Functional Rust
Welcome back Munich Lambda. The meetup group addresses all functional programming enthusiasts, that are interested in a spectrum of functional languages, techniques and technologies evolving around functional programming.
Within upcoming meetup in July two interesting talks are already lined up at once: Prolog and Functional Rust. First Lars Hupel will speak about Programmation en Logique. Prolog is one of the most underrated programming languages around. The second lecture is held by Simon Lackerbauer featuring Rust, a relatively young, statically and strongly typed multi-paradigm language.
Feel free to join, discuss and extend your knowledge. jambit is happy to take care of all catering belongings.
- WHO? Meetup Group Munich-Lambda
- WHAT? Meetup: Prolog and Functional Rust
- WHEN? Wednesday, 4th of July 2018, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
- WHERE? jambit GmbH, Erika-Mann-Straße 63, Munich (S-Bahn, Donnersberger Brücke)
Please register directly via following meetup-link: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Munich-Lambda/events/251049900/