Foosball championship in Leipzig
Coding, foosball and coffee... at jambit, these three things just belong together! In April, we have our next foosball championship in Leipzig
Kick it like jambit!
Coding, fossball and coffee... at jambit, these three things just belong together! Often we spend our short breaks at the coffee machine. For more action and distraction, our jambitees take the chance to challenge their colleagues at the foosball table in between.
The eager practice during (lunch-)breaks is of course be rewarded: In April, it's time again for our foosball competition in Leipzig. All jambitees get the chance to prove their foosball skills to win the jambit foosball championship Leipzig!
The rankings of all kickers will be guessed in advance. The person with the best guess at the end will also be awarded.
Once or twice a year, our jambitees compete against each other. And between the nail-biting foosball rounds, there's plenty of time for pizza, drinks and getting to know your colleagues better in a relaxed atmosphere.